Love Letter for Girlfriends/Boyfriends : 10 Romantic Love Letter for Him/her

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7 min readJul 28, 2021


When you hear the words “love letters,” what comes to mind? Feelings, honesty, romanticism, trust, and, of course, his or her name may spring to mind.

Despite the fact that the value of written love letters has decreased in our digital age, they are still essential to certain people. After all, when it comes to communicating emotions and feelings, a piece of paper is one of the finest ways to communicate your feelings to someone you adore, can’t live without, and want to spend the rest of your life with.

Mature couples who are deeply in love like displaying and communicating their feelings at all times. Regardless of current social media trends, love letters will always have value, especially for those who desire solitude and romance in private.

Normally, females like writing love letters to their partners since men enjoy being lured, but some guys, knowing how much girls enjoy getting romantic love letters and respecting their sentiments, choose to write love notes rather than show their love for them on social media.

Although we are no longer in the age of ink pots, sending love letters to a loved one is genuinely and irrefutably timeless. If you want to impress your significant other by writing them a love letter, here’s a thorough article on the topic.

💨 Abigail Adams’ letter to John Adams,31 March — 5 April 1776

…if I drew you a picture of my heart, I hope you’d still like it even if it didn’t do anything new. The early possession you gained there, as well as the total control you now hold over it, leaves no empty space.

I recall the early days of our familiarity and friendship as days of love and innocence, and I have watched nearly a score of years pass over our heads with an affection heightened and improved by time, nor have the dreary years of absence in the least removed the image of the dear untitled man to whom I gave my heart from my mind.

💨Ludwig Van Beethoven to unknown “ Immortal Beloved “

Even in bed, my thoughts ache for you, my Immortal Beloved, sometimes happily, sometimes tragically, as we wait for Fate to listen to us. I can only exist in one of two ways: with you or without you. Yes, I’ve resolved to wander for so long far away, until I can fly into your arms and name myself completely at home with you, until I can send my soul into the world of spirits, enveloped by yours — yes, I lament, it must be. Your love made me the happiest and saddest person on the planet. At my age, I should want some consistency in my life — is this possible in our situation? Sweetheart, I recently found out that the post is sent out every day — and that we need to shut so that you get the L. immediately. Be quiet — love me — now and then.What
You’ll get over it even faster because you know I’ll always be loyal to you; no one else will ever be able to own my heart, never — never! Why must one leave what one loves so much, and yet my life in W. is a terrible existence as it is now?

tears of love for you — You — My Life — My Everything — goodbye. Oh, keep loving me — never doubt the faith of your deepest heart

. . .Of your beloved.

💨 Prince Albert Love letter to Queen Victoria

Victoria, my dearest and most beloved friend, I don’t have to tell you that since we left, all of my thoughts have been on you at Windsor, and your face has filled my entire soul. Even in my fantasies, I never dreamed finding so much love on this planet.

That moment when I was close to you, with your hand in mine, still shines brightly in my mind. Those days went by so fast, and our separation will be no different. My brother, Ernest, has asked me to say a thousand wonderful things to you. Your eternally faithful Albert, with promises of constant loyalty and love.

💨 Olivia Langdon, future wife of Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

A great wave of love and prayer wells up from the depths of my happy heart for this beautiful gift that is dedicated to my lifetime care.

You won’t be able to see its intangible waves as they rush towards you, dear, but you will hear the distant beat of the surf in these lines.

💨F. Scott Fitzgerald to Zelda Sayre

I see you coming down the tracks-and your lovely rumpled pants are racing to me out of every cloud and mist- I couldn’t see, hear, feel, think-or live-without you, my darling, and I’m never going to allow us be separated another night in our lives. It’s like pleading with a storm for compassion, murdering Beauty, or getting old without you.

I want to kiss you so much-and I love you-and I can’t tell you how much-in the back where your lovely hair begins and your chest-I love you-and I can’t tell you how much- I can’t believe I’m going to die without you knowing- You have to attempt to feel how much I do-how inert I am when you’re gone-when you’re gone, goofs. I can’t stand these wretched people- Nobody has a legal right to live.

They’re polluting our environment, and I can’t hate them because I care so much about you. — Come to me though, Lover, Darling-Your Girlfriend to me as well.

💨First Lady Pat Nixon to President Richard Nixon

Dearest Heart, …And even today, when the wind blows, the rain falls, and the light shines through the clouds (as it does now), he determines, as he did then, that nothing so wonderful has ever occurred to him or anyone else than falling in love with Thee -my dearest heart.

💨Kahlo to Diego Rivera

Remember that once you’ve completed the picture, we’ll be together forever, without fights or anything, just to adore each other.

Behave yourself and follow Emmy Lou’s instructions. I admire you much more now than before. Your lady, Frida

💨Orson Welles to Rita Hayworth

My dear Angel Girl…

… I’m sure most of us feel lonely in this huge globe, but we’ll only find out if we fall madly in love. The remedy is realizing our desire for companionship — I mean companionship in the very specific meaning we’ve come to grasp since we met — you and me.

Without such connection, the pleasures of human experience are drained away — now that I’ve tasted it; joy is as unendurable as sadness without it. You are the center of my universe. Never assume that your hope comes close to describing who you are to me. Make the days shorter till we meet, beautiful, sweet tiny baby — hurry up, sun! All I have to say is that I adore you.

💨Johnny Cash to June Carter Cash

Princess, have a wonderful birthday! We grow older and become accustomed to one other. We have similar viewpoints. We were able to read each other’s minds. Without even asking, we know what the other wants. We irritate each other from time to time.

Perhaps we take each other for granted at times. But every now and again, like today, I reflect on how lucky I am to spend my life with the most amazing lady I’ve ever experienced. You continue to enthral and inspire me.

You have a positive impact on me. You’re the object of my affection, the primary reason for my existence on this planet. I am deeply in love with you. Princess, have a wonderful birthday. John

💨President Ronald Reagan to First Lady Nancy Reagan

I know it’s customary for me to place Happy Anniversary cards on your breakfast tray this morning. However, things are a little jumbled. I made a substitution and sent it a few weeks ago.

This is still the day, the day that celebrates 31 years of bliss that few men experience. It was like an adolescent’s fantasy of what marriage should be like, I told you once. That isn’t going to change.

You know how much I enjoy the ranch, but the previous two days have proven that I only enjoy it when you’re there. That is true in every place and at every time, come to think about it. I’m no where when you’re not there, just lost in time and space.

I don’t just love you; without you, I’m not complete. To me, you are life itself. When you’re gone, I’ll be waiting for you to come back so I can resume my life.

Thank you for 31 amazing years, and happy anniversary.

…Your Grateful husband…

Hello, My name is Harry. I belonge to united kingdom (UK). I am studying in the Human Resource Dept. in master’s degree. I’m absolutly 22 year single and i’m very excited that presents love, love letters and dating sites. You must be comment blow about me and my blog. Thanks For Visiting.

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